Pullharder Marathon Sex....I mean Six

PHM6 - The Sixiest race on The Planet
October 25th - 2015
Or go here if the website is being difficult and the hyperlink is
The race will start at 8am. PLEASE show up early between 7:30-7:40 for check in. This year we are doing things a little different, and we will not be supplying a keg. But... we will be having a BBQ afterward so bring something to BBQ and BYOB! It'll be great to see everyone again for this awesome event! This, the fifth running of the Pull Harder Marathon will be nothing short of epic…because YOU will be there. We will be posting sign ups and more information soon.
Quite possibly the greatest sporting event since the Beijing Summer Olympics, The PHM6 will not disappoint. People will come from across the globe to test their mettle on one of the most historic courses known to modern man. Forged by the greatest athletes and brightest minds in all the land, this race will have you praying to all 7 gods, begging for the grey wizard and wishing you had Herculesean strength. We have 3 distances, just click on the links below to see each course:10 K, 10 Mile, Full Marathon (2 loops of the 10 mile and 1 loop of the 10k, see links above) We will have snacks, water and a sports drink at the house to refuel between each loop of the full marathon. LOCATION: 8551 Menkar
TIME: 7:30 AM DON'T BE LATE! We will be posting signups, route maps and more in the very near future. As always, this race is as free as the hugs that Josh Higgins will be giving (uncomfortably long hugs). However, your support and donations are welcome in the form of purchasing t-shirts and straight cash. Suggestions and comments are welcome, but will likely be ignored…I laugh, you think your ideas are as good as ours. HA! Even if you don’t run the Marathon, 10M or 10K, come join us for some delicious food and beer. And as an added bonus, the Men Of Menkar will be giving out free tattoos. Ask Ian to show the full-sized bust of Shay he had done on his back, it is beautiful. Stay tuned for updates and hashtag your training instagram posts #PHM6 and they will be streaming below.