PHM3 Results and Photos

It was a story day, but our athlete seized the day as if lead into battle by Mel Gibson screaming "They can't take our freedom!" (it was raining in the movie Braveheart and it was raining in the canyon, no Mel Gibson at the race though)
We would like to thank everyone who helped out:
Kristi, Matt Palmariello, Laurel, Miki, Stein, our photographer Andre Kiryanov,
as well as our sponsors Injinji who hooked us up with great socks and GU as well as Wet N' Reckless who hooked us up with nutritious beer!
Finally, we are humbled to present this years results: WOOT WOOT Results here
Here is a video and some pictures so you may never for get this day! If you would like a full-size image please email me (rsgutier [at]
More pics on Roberto's Picasa. Leave a comment with a link to your pics if you want to share! Sharing is caring!