3rd annual Pullharder.org Marathon Update

Hello all, This post is an update about the forthcoming Pullharder.org marathon. As you may, or may not, know this year's race will be held in memory of our friends Ben Horne and Gil Weiss. In this post I am including two things, first is a video of with images sampled from the internet as a tribute to Ben and Gil; Second, is all the pertinent information that you will need for this race.
This post will mark a new era at Pullharder.org. Many things have changed around here, but many things have not. When it comes to life and adventure we will always surround ourselves with the greatest people and seek the boldest adventure, all while smiling and wearing tights...but we will never forget our friends. As we move forward we see each and every one of you as a friend and motivation to get out and chase the next big thing. So thank you!
Race information:
IMPORTANT STUFF BEFORE YOU GET HERE: This is an unsupported, unsponsored event, and you will be responsible for your own water. That being said, there will be water at the Start/Finish line, as well as some energy foods. These foods are primarily for the marathoners who will be passing by the start/finish line 2 times before they finish. Furthermore, you are responsible for following the courses. We will have chalk arrows on the ground to indicate where major turns are, but this is a trail run and it does wander through Peneqsuitos Canyon, so we recommend that you read the following course descriptions and look at the course maps.
Click here for Descriptions
Links to course maps: PullHarder Marathon Loop 1: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/49822001 Loop 2: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/49822001 Loop 3: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/49822007
PullHarder 10 Mile Run http://connect.garmin.com/activity/49822001
PullHarder Waterfall 10K http://connect.garmin.com/activity/49822007
IMPORTANT STUFF FOR RACE DAY: The location: Shay’s House--> 8551 Menkar Rd San Diego CA 92126
Race check-in
Pre-race briefing
We will start lining up
Race start! We will be using an atomic clock as our timing device…this will be the official timing tool.
The finish line is a slip’n’slide…no slip’n’slide, no official time!
After you finish
There will be short yoga/stretching classes being held in the living room to help people stretch out and decompress a little after their run! (Thanks Kati)
After the race you are welcome to use the showers and other facilities at the house to get cleaned up for the BBQ. Remember that the finish line is a slip’n’slide so you will want a towel regardless.
Whenever you would like
We have had a keg of Wet’n’Reckless beer donated to the event. The only requirement is that the keg be empty by the end of the day!!! So start whenever you want :)
BBQ food! Eat and be merry with good friends and competitors alike.
2:00pm (approximately)
Presentation of the awards! The BBQ should be in full swing and the prizes will be awarded to the fast male and female for each distance.
End of the day
We will be there at least till the keg is gone.
The BBQ is bring your own food and bring your own beer. There will some chicken and other foods as a base, but we are not planning on feeding you. There will be a keg beer, which needs to be finished by the end of the day, but if you want anything else you need to bring it.
There will be a professional photographer taking pictures of the racers, so remember to LOOK GOOD! As part of the entertainment during the BBQ we will be playing a slide show of the race photos.
We are hosting this event at no cost, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t cost anything...If you feel so inclined, any donations of time or money would be greatly appreciated. If for some reason the money collected exceeds the costs of the event it will be donated to a nonprofit climbing organization such as ACSD or Access Fund.
Volunteers: All of the race organizers are also running in the race. So there may be stations or times where we need people to hang out and watch an aid station of just to help with something. If anyone not running and would like to help we would appreciate it. Also, if you have finished the race early we encourage you to stick around and cheer for other racers and to help if you can. The jobs could include mixing Gatorade, helping keep time, helping keep track of people, taking pictures and so on…
We placed an order for T-Shirts (this year's logo is at the top of the page)! We will be selling them the day of the race so bring a little cash. We are going to charge as little as possible for the shirts I estimate between $10-20 per shirt (emphasis on estimate). If there are any profits the proceeds will go towards supporting nonprofit groups in the climbing community.
We are incredibly excited for this event and we hope you are too! See you all on Sunday morning between 7-7:30am
Josh Roberto Shay Toby